Year 6
St Margaret
Children in St Margaret’s Class are taught by Mrs Beirne. She is assisted by Mrs Kenny and by Mrs L Beirne.
St Margaret is located in the second classroom down the corridor on the right. Access to the playground is via the path at the side of the school.
The teacher will be available at the end of the school day to discuss any issues or an appointment can be made via the school office.
St Clare
Children in St Clare’s Class are taught by Mr Loynes. He is assisted by Mrs Thomas and Mrs Martin.
St Clare is located in the first classroom down the corridor on the right. Access to the playground is via the path at the side of the school.
The teacher will be available at the end of the school day to discuss any issues or an appointment can be made via the school office.
Year 6 is an exciting year to be in!
The children are encouraged to be independent, resilient and focused learners to enable them to make the transition into secondary school.
We have many exciting activities throughout the year that the children plan and take part in.
Home Learning Expectation
Weekly Reading
Children are expected to read each night and complete their diaries with their current book and the pages they have read. It is expected that an adult will sign their home school diary at least once a week and reading to a parent is encouraged as much as possible.
We would also request that a parent signs the children’s Buster Book Club bookmarks on a Wednesday night so that we can add their minutes of reading to the class weekly total – the target for year 6 is 20 minutes reading.
The children will be given spellings across each term and these will be incorporated in to activities within the classroom each week. Each week we will ask the children to focus on a particular set of spellings taken from the list, which will help them to break down their learning in to manageable chunks. At the end of each term all of the children will take part in a Spelling Bee to test their learning across the term.
English and Maths
Children will have a piece of SPaG/Literacy homework on a Wednesday, which will be related to their current classroom learning and they will have a week in which to complete it.
Similarly, they will receive Maths homework on a Friday and have a week in which to complete this. Homework will be marked in class so that the children can receive feedback as to how they have done and support with any misconceptions or areas for development.
Your child will need:
Book bag
Contact book and Reading book
Water bottle
Jumper or cardigan
PE kit
Children may also bring a pencil case with equipment they will need. This is not essential.
Please make sure all of your child’s belongings are clearly named.