Coronation Celebration

Friday 5th May
We would like to invite parents/carers to join us at our Coronation Celebration on Friday 5th May when we will be having 'Tea in the Park'...... also known as the school field! The school gates will open at 1.30pm and parents will be allowed access to the School Field. Please bring yourselves a picnic to enjoy with your child/children and a picnic blanket or collapsable chair if required.
We are hoping for glorious weather (so a parasol might be a good idea) but should we get rained on, alternative arrangements will be in place. We'll update closer to the time.
On this day, we would like to invite children (and adults) to come to school dressed in red, white and blue or to dress-up as a previous British monarch. If children don't wish to dress up they should come to school in school uniform. If children normally have PE on a Friday, please ensure that their outfit is suitable for PE!