Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal
Non Uniform Day and Cake Sale on Friday 10th February
Dear Parents/Carers,
Following the tragic earthquake in Turkey and Syria on Monday (6th February), there were devastating effects and a series of continued powerful aftershocks. Reports suggest that over 5,000 people have died and the figures sadly continue to rise, as 100's of buildings collapsed.
In aid of the Red Cross appeal, we are raising money to support the displaced families. Although it is short notice, as Friday is the last day of term, we are having a non-uniform day for everyone and a cake sale on Friday 10th February.
We would be grateful for your kind contributions of cakes for the sale, you can bring in your donations of cakes on Friday morning, ready to sell at the sale after school on Friday. Please could you ensure that the cakes contain "no nuts". The children can bring in their money ready to buy cakes at the sale on Friday.
On this day, we will also be inviting everyone to wear non-uniform, so children can come in to school dressed in home clothes and to support the appeal, we are asking for a donation of £1 towards the Red Cross Appeal. You can find further information here: https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/disasters-and-emergencies/world/turkey-syria-earthquake
We thank you for your continued support,
Kind regards,
St Francis School Office