Severe Weather Advice

Winter Weather Advice
Every winter brings the possibility of snow and ice. As winter is now here, I thought this would be a good time to remind you of our extreme weather procedures.
In the event of severe weather conditions we will still endeavour to keep St Francis open, even if only limited numbers of pupils can attend. We will make every effort to prepare for severe snow/ice this winter by gritting pathways, carrying out remedial repairs and clearing or limiting access points. However, if it is no longer safe for staff or pupils to be onsite, or enough staff cannot reach the school to ensure there are sufficient numbers to man the school safely, then we would need to make the decision to close the school. If the school does close to all pupils, we will move to remote learning via Google Classroom for all children.
How will we let you know if the school is closed?
If we do experience severe snow/ice resulting in hazardous conditions then the decision may be made to close the school. Once this decision has been made, we will notify parents via email, in the first instance, and then via the Kent Closures website for the rest of the school community.
To determine whether St Francis is open or closed visit and search for the school using the search box.
The Kent Closures website can also be used to find out if other services in Kent are open or closed, such as nurseries. Parents can also listen to KMFM, BBC Radio Kent or Heart FM to hear if the school has closed. We will also publish the information on the school website and Twitter account and send regular updates via our email service.
What can you do to help?
- Please visit for more information about gritting routes and travel issues around Kent so you can plan your journey.
- Please ensure that we have up to date email and other contact details
- Please approach the school carefully and DO NOT PARK directly outside the school gates under any circumstances
- If your child is attending school don’t forget suitable warm clothing – gloves, hats, scarves, wellies etc. or even a change of clothing.
- If you may have a problem with a sudden earlier pick up, please contact the school immediately by calling us on 01622 771540
Many thanks for your support in helping us remain open during periods of severe snow/ice