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St Lucy

Children in St Lucy’s Class are taught by Miss Butler and Miss Hammond. She is assisted by Ms Syer-Thompson and Ms Nankervis.

St Lucy is located in the first classroom down the corridor on the left.  Access to the early years playground is from the classroom playground door.

The teacher will be available at the end of the school day for any concerns.

St Ann

Children in St Ann’s Class are taught by Miss Page. She is assisted by Mrs Keifer and Mrs Cripps.

St Ann is located in the second classroom down the corridor on the left.  Access to the early years playground is from the classroom playground door.

The teacher will be available at the end of the school day for any concerns.

A warm welcome to the new children and families who have joined our school this September, it has been a delight getting to know you all. In the days to come we will continue to settle the children into new routines, allowing them to explore the school and make new friends.

In the weeks ahead we will be covering the Early Years Curriculum as well as focusing on ourselves and others, the feast of Saint Francis, investigating Autumn, celebrating Harvest and Christmas, not forgetting our Nativity performance so we have a very busy, exciting couple of terms.

We would like to thank you for supporting your children in their handwriting, learning their words and reading and sharing books with your child. Please do not forget to use your ‘Learning together’ book to let us know of any ‘wow’ moments so that we can share them in class.

As the weather is very changeable please ensure your child is sent to school with appropriate outdoor wear.

We would like to remind you that we are always available at the end of the school day, if you would like to speak to us.